ISSN : 2586-2987(Print)
ISSN : (Online)
ISSN : (Online)
Korean Journal of Social Quality Vol.8 No.4 pp.69-91
The Impact of AI on the Cultural Content and Media Industries* : Focusing on Creative Production and Industrial Change
This study analyzes the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the cultural content and media industries from multiple perspectives, and discusses AI’s impact on creative production, changes in media consumption, and ethical and social issues. The study found that AI increases creativity and efficiency in content production, enabling new forms of content creation through collaboration with creators. It also found that AI-powered recommendation systems provide a personalized media consumption experience, enhancing user satisfaction and consumption continuity. However, the adoption of AI also raises a range of ethical and social challenges, including copyright issues, algorithmic bias, preserving cultural diversity, and changing social employment. Legal, technical, and policy approaches are needed to address these challenges, and it is essential to ensure that AI is transparent and fair. When AI and humans work together to create fair and trustworthy content, AI can contribute to the development of the cultural content and media industries. By comprehensively reviewing various issues surrounding the convergence of AI and cultural industries, this study aims to provide a direction for sustainable development in the future.